

Chris H – Texas

Mark & Melody, Attached is a picture of Rose this morning crossing three separate bodies of water on a line – no cheating the water. About a 100 yard retrieve. The pic is her 1st water entry. I’ll send more pictures . We have several good ones. Chris H – Texas

David D. – Birmingham, AL

Hey Guys! Just wanted to let ya’ll know that “Red” has been a great new member to our family. He is my first dog and made college life alot more fun and interesting. He did a great job duck hunting this season and got every bird I sent him after. I know that I will...

Brent E. – Colorado

Melody, I just forwarded some pictures of “Widgeon” ( Champ/Char breeding 2006). Thought you would like to see how he is doing . He has entered his second full season. This one ended with over 500 retrieves. It was a doozy! He is probably ready for a vacation. He’s an extremely smart dog. His trainability is...
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