

Bill & Molly G. – New Orleans, LA

Bill & I thought we would send you a picture of “Woody”. He is a beautiful dog with a wonderful temperament. “Woody” has been very easy to train and is very much a part of our family. He is almost 2 years old and weighs between 75 and 80 pounds. His parents were Sam &...

William S. – Nantuckett, MA

Melody, I am writing you to let you know the pup you called’Nantuckett’ Arrived safe and sound Monday afternoon. We have named her “Darcy” and we love her to pieces! Our other dog and the cats are all making the adjustment just fine. Darcy is proving to be smart and attentive and calm(for a puppy)!...

John D. – Worthington, PA

Mark, Just thought I’d send you a few pictures of “Charmin” in action. It’s been a good season so far! Got her a couple of years ago from you. Good house dog, good guard dog and a great hunter. Great nose, good drive and easy to control. Keep up the good work!Hope this note finds...
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