

Anthony & Lisa S.- Bixby, OK

Huntfield, I’ve been meaning to send you an e-mail and let you know that I was very impressed with the puppy I got from the Sam/Maggie litter. We named him “Oakley.” He is a great looking dog and extremely smart!! We have four children and they absolutely love him… I just wanted to say that...

Kate & Brandon – Leawood, KS

Mark & Melody, I am sending you some pictures of “Dax” out of the Sam/Darcy breeding. He has an extremely good nose which is good for the type of hunting I like. He took to the water like a pro right away and I think he would retrieve all day if I would let him...

Thomas M. – Oak Harbor, WA

I bought one of your pups in December 2006 from Sam & Kate’s litter. I just wanted to say how great a dog she is. Her name is’ Huntfield’s Maggie Monster’ or “Maggie ” for short. She is the prettiest lab I’ve ever seen and I get compliments on her everywhere I go. She is...
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