

Murphy Family – Max’s first duck hunt

Mark- As Promised here are a couple pictures from the trial this weekend. Max ran as a started dog and did great. We are off to Lake Charles this weekend where he will be running as seasoned. There were also a couple more dogs at the trial from Huntfield. I will give you another update...

Misty M. – Bossier City, LA

Hello Huntfield family. My Husband and I drove over New Years Day 2010 with our two children to get a red lab puppy from the Desi/Sam breeding. We didn’t know what to expect when we brought our “Lola” home… She is beautiful, super fast and high energy. She made her first hunt last week and brought back...

Chris – Dallas ,TX

Mark & Melody, I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of owning “Goose” an (Auburn/Tide) pup. He was a ‘started dog’ and I have been impressed with him since day 1. Not only is he a phenomenal hunter, he is a great companion and family member. His demeanor is incredible. The compliments I...
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